Last time I see myself that I want to help and support other people, but in my words is not that I do. I tell them something and doing something else. And what I tell them is only theory and I must be the first person who live that theory. So because I only tell them and not living I lie myself and other people.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not to live what I talk to other people what they must to do. When and as I see myself to not to live what I talk to other people what they must to do, I stop and breath. I realise that often I talk about think that I don't live, but I have a lot of things about that theme to tell and advice them. But how I can give someone advice if I don't live that. So, I commit myself that I when I see myself to want to give other people advice where I know only theory and don't live, I stop and breath and I told them that like, I don't do this jet, but it will be god if we think and do in that and that way.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel that I lie myself when I tell other what I don't live in my life but only heard that is the best to do in that way. When and as I see myself to feel that I lie myself when I tell other what I don't live in my life but only heard that is the best to do in that way, I stop and breath. I realise that I often listen other people and with no try myself that in my life and prof that what they say is true I told the same stuff other people and this is not god for me and other people who told me and who listen me. So, I commit myself that I try and prove what I head and want to tell other people for support or argument.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel bad like I have something in myself when I told other people what I don't prove in my life. When and as I see myself to feel bad like I have something in myself when I told other people what I don't prove in my life, I stop and breath. I realise that if something is logic from my experiences that I have and I heard from someone I can connect my experience and their knowing and can support other, but if I have only knowing with no similar experiences I can't support other with this knowing. So, I commit myself that before talk something to someone I must believe in that information and trust them and prove them from myself or only I prove a part of information and logically connect with my experiences.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not to feel bad when I talk about politics that I don't want heart about, because I'm not prepare for that, but I have a lot of advice about. When and as I see myself to not to feel bad when I talk about politics that I don't want heart about, because I'm not prepare for that, but I have a lot of advice about, I stop and breath. I realise that this is for me biggest point to work on, because in one way I don't want think and participate in politics, but in other way I have a lot of advice about how to react and be good politics, so I must work on this and become person who go in the election and give my voice for kandidate that I like it and is the most stable and talk what they think and do. So, I commit myself to don't talk too much about politics since I don't give my vote for one of them.
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